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Fwd: Revamp Your Content Instantly with AI Rewrite 🔄

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Fwd: 科技商品特輯 🚀 不可錯過


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3C趨勢⚙️ AI 運用,極致運算,強大的處理器 & 順暢顯卡,不論是遊戲玩家、辦公學習皆能提供更好表現。
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the pulse.
Explore the City
Through My Lens

Join me on a visual journey across the concrete jungles and discover the untold stories etched in every street corner.

Dive into the Streets

Every city has its own beat.

It's not just about the towering skyscrapers or the neon signs; it's about the fleeting moments that tell a story. This week, I've captured those moments, from the whisper of a street performer's melody to the silent dance of the city's night lights.

Snapshots from my week

Each photograph is a dialogue, a whispered conversation between the subject and the observer. As I walk through the city's arteries, my camera is my compass, guiding me to its hidden pulses. Let these snapshots take you there, amidst the chaos and calm of urban life.

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Fwd: 🔬 Google 也將投入推理 AI 的研發 ?!


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Date: Fri, Oct 4, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Subject: 🔬 Google 也將投入推理 AI 的研發 ?!
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PLUS : Microsoft Copilot 迎來能力升級、LFM 模型衝擊傳統 Transformer 架構、LEOPARD 多圖像處理的特化模型、機器人是否能進入人類日常 前景未定、Google 想降低模型的開發門檻  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

October 04, 2024   |   Read Online

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  • 🗞️|Google 也將投入推理 AI 的研發?!

  • 🚀|Microsoft Copilot 迎來能力升級!

  • 📊|LFM 模型衝擊傳統 Transformer 架構

  • 🔬|LEOPARD:多圖像處理的特化模型

  • 🗳️|機器人是否能進入人類日常?前景未定!

  • 🔍|Google 想降低模型的開發門檻




Google 也將投入推理 AI 的研發?!

閱讀時間:4 分鐘

OpenAI 在本月推出了全新推理模型 o1,將人類的 AI 發展階段帶往下一個層次,而根據外媒報導,另一大科技龍頭 Google 也正在開發具「推理」能力的 AI 模型!

文章說到,Google 希望利用 chain-of-thought prompting 的技術,讓自家的模型像 o1 一樣,能在輸出結果之前,先模仿人類進行推理以及思考的行為,進而強化準確度

更有趣的是,Google 宣稱了自己使用比 OpenAI 更加嚴謹的方式來進行訓練,可見兩家科技大廠之間的濃濃火藥味啊!




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Microsoft Copilot 迎來能力升級!

閱讀時間:10 分鐘
YouTube video by Microsoft Copilot

Meet the new Copilot

相信不少開發者們都對 Copilot 這項工具不陌生,而本次的更新則帶來了 Copilot Voice,以及 Copilot Vision 兩種全新功能,一起來看看吧!

前者讓使用者能夠用語音直接和 AI 對話,類似於 OpenAI 推出的語音功能,而後者則能理解使用者的 Web 內容,能直接在 MicrosoftEdge 瀏覽器上使用。

擔任 Microsoft AI CEOMustafa Suleyman 更強調了 Copilot 不只是完善所有代碼,還能模仿,甚至適應使用者的個人偏好,藉此進行更細部的調整。




LFM 模型衝擊傳統 Transformer 架構!

閱讀時間:9 分鐘

去年才成立的科技新創 Liquid AI,在上週發表了 3 Liquid 基礎模型(Liquid Foundation Models),希望藉此挑戰當前主流的 Transformer 模型架構。

在上圖中,可以看到MMLU 測試中,這些 LFM 模型超越了 Meta Llama 3.2Microsoft Phi-3.5 等基於 Transformer 架構的競爭者。

目前的 LFM 分別有 1.3B、3B 和 40B 的參數規格,只可惜是閉源的,使用者只能透過 LambdaPerplexity AI 取得,歡迎大家去試試看吧!





文件頁數:19 頁

近期,有研究團隊提出名為 LEOPARD 的全新模型,旨在處裡多張圖像,以及文本量豐富的分析需求,同時指出大型多模態模型(MLLM)所面臨的發展困境。

在困境上,MLLM 模型不只缺乏多圖量的訓練集,還需要面臨圖片解析度輸入大小的兩難,缺少解析度的圖片不利模型判讀,但過清晰的圖片也會造成輸入上的負擔

團隊為此設計名為 LEOPARD-INSTRUCT 的數據集,當中包含了大約 92.5 萬個樣本,內容涵蓋了多頁文件幻燈片網頁軌跡等多個真實應用場景。

最後的實驗結果顯示,LEOPARD 5 個多圖像的基準測試上表現優異,平均表現甚至優於目前最好的開源模型,提升了 9.61 分





投票人數: 51 人

接著來分享上期的投票結果,本次的投票共有 51 位讀者參與,認同與反對的人數也相當接近,代表 AI 機器人是否能在兩三年內進入人類日常,仍需要更多的討論

除此之外,也有讀者從能源以及應力的層面著手,即使 AI 的發展能加速機器人開發,但硬體設備上的限制,依然是難以克服的重大問題!

👀 讀者精選留言


--- kil595

AI 在機器人的部署上最大的助益莫過於,不用再消耗大量工程師的時間去一步一步的去設計動作了。例如要拿起杯子這一個簡單動作,人類大腦裡想的其實只有"拿起來"的簡單念頭,剩下的就交給小腦負責了,可是人形機器人的工程師就得負責寫出你小腦所做的一切細節,要動那幾條肌肉纖維、用多少力、多少時間,當然實際上有很多方式達成,但所需要耗的功還是非常的巨大,在之前 Figure01 或是 Optimus 的展演,不管是摺衣服或是收拾廚房,都是餵影片給 AI 去學習的,真的是拯救了不少機器人工程師的肝,不過這一切在控制環境下進行便已經極具挑戰了,舉例在台灣相信應該已經有不少人上館子時,看到貓型的送餐機器人了,但很多時候都還是需要服務生來解救它;接著以一般消費性電子的開發周期來說,除非像手機一樣已經是非常成熟的商品了,不然光是從原型到初代可能就得花上2數年了,更何況是人型機器人這麼複雜又新穎的產品;然後商品賣出去後的保固維修也是一大問題,這麼大一尊黑貓恐怕不會收喔;而我認為現在最致命的一點應該就是價格了,連伊隆馬這種生產線狂人操刀下 Optimus 的造價仍高達 2萬5到3萬美元,其他家更不用談了。綜合以上理由,雖然我個人也很期待人型機器人的普及,但2-3年內普及到一般人的日常生活中,還是太困難了,因此這次我選 “D 不太可能”

--- 下班提督




Google 想降低模型的開發門檻!

影片時間:49 分鐘
YouTube video by Rowan Cheung

Logan Kilpatrick on Google’s new Gemini Models, AI Agents, AGI, and more

Google 挖角走的前 OpenAI 大將 Logan Kilpatrick 近期接受採訪,針對新推出的 Gemini-1.5-Pro-002Flash-002 進行討論,讓我們一起來看看吧!

根據 Logan 的說法,新的 Gemini-1.5-Pro-002 數理能力的表現上十分優秀,在相關的基準測試,例如 AMC + AIME 24 MATH 上都具有不錯的成果。

除此之外,Google 也調整了 Gemini-1.5-Pro 的價格,在金額上降低了 50%,同時將速率限制提高 3 倍,延遲降低 3 倍,希望藉此壓低模型的發展門檻。

如何看 Google 壓低模型發展門檻的策略?

*延伸討論:如何看待這一策略?這樣的價格調整和性能提升是否會讓 AI 模型更普及?還是說會引發對品質或其他方面的擔憂?壓低發展門檻是否是推動技術發展的有效途徑?歡迎分享您的看法,讓我們一起討論 Google 這一策略的長遠影響!



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Fwd: WOW! deals for September 22, 2024



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It's Jesse. If you're reading this, hopefully it's because you just subscribed to receive sick updates from me about my start-up journey. If not, please feel free to unsubscribe by clicking the link below. No hard feelings.

A bit about me: I was born in Beijing, grew up in the Boston area, and moved to the Bay Area in 2014 to do a PhD at Stanford in electrical engineering. Along the way, I met my cofounders Neal, David, and Greg. I currently lead product at Beacons, the all-in-one creator business platform.

As Beacons grew from 4 to 36 people through a pandemic in an industry that's been both over and underhyped, I've picked up a few learnings. This newsletter will feature those learnings, some reflections, some stories, and maybe even some thoughts about the world and the future.

One small favor before you leave: could you please respond to this email and let me know a bit about who you are and why you subscribed?

Excited to have you tagging along for this crazy journey. Buckle in 🚗


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[ Illustration of four tropical fish swimming around a large droplet symbol ]
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Fwd: 💸 Google won $1.7B in a Legal Battle


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New AI Tool from YouTube 🪄  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

September 22, 2024   |   Read Online

New AI Tool from YouTube 🪄

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Welcome to today’s action-packed newsletter.
Today in Smarter with AI🔥

  • Google won $1.7B in a Legal Battle

  • YouTube Brings New AI Tools for Creators

  • LumaLabsAI's New v1.5: Knockout Text Effect

  • Tweet of the Day

  • Too Important to Miss

  • AI Resources

  • Today’s Meme🤣


Google’s Win

Google Prevails in EU Antitrust Appeal Over $1.7B AdSense Fine

Google’s Legal Win
Google has successfully appealed against the European Union's $1.7 billion antitrust fine related to its AdSense platform. The General Court ruled in favor of the tech giant, delivering a blow to the European Commission's long-standing case accusing Google of monopolistic practices in online advertising.

The Antitrust Allegations
The original 2019 case centered around allegations that Google unfairly restricted competition by forcing third-party websites to prioritize its search ads through exclusive contracts. The European Commission argued that this behavior stifled competitors, leading to massive fines under EU antitrust laws.

Court’s Decision
While the court acknowledged some anti-competitive conduct, it concluded that the evidence presented by the Commission was insufficient to support the full scope of the fine. As a result, the ruling either reduced or nullified the original penalty, marking a major victory for Google.

Implications for Tech and Regulation
This ruling is a setback for the EU’s regulatory efforts to curb Big Tech dominance. It raises questions about the effectiveness of antitrust enforcement and could impact future cases involving other tech giants. The decision may also influence the EU's broader regulatory approach toward large tech companies moving forward.

What’s Next?
The European Commission may still appeal the decision, but for now, Google’s win bolsters its position in ongoing regulatory battles. The outcome of this case could set a precedent for how other tech companies challenge antitrust rulings across Europe.

Read more

Will This Case Impact Future Antitrust Regulations for Big Tech?



YouTube Unveils New AI Tools for Creators

AI Tools for Streamlined Content Creation
YouTube has introduced a range of AI-powered features to help creators streamline video production. The standout feature, "Veo," serves as an AI assistant designed to assist with tasks like generating ideas, creating drafts, and automating video edits. Veo is expected to simplify the content creation process for both new and experienced YouTubers.

Inspiration Tab for Trending Ideas
In addition to Veo, YouTube is rolling out an "Inspiration Tab," which leverages AI to suggest trending topics and ideas based on current user interests. The tool helps creators stay relevant by offering video prompts tied to popular trends, giving them insights into what might perform well.

Why It’s Important
These AI advancements signal YouTube's ongoing commitment to making content creation more accessible and efficient. With AI helping creators save time on ideation and production, the platform is likely to see even more content generated at a faster pace.

What’s Coming Next?
As YouTube continues to embrace AI, more features could be expected in the future to further enhance content creation. This move reflects the growing importance of AI in modern media and entertainment, setting the stage for broader AI integration in creative industries.

Read more

AI Tutorial

LumaLabsAI's New v1.5: Knockout Text Effect

Step 1: Browse LumaLabs AI.

Log in to your account. Version 1.5 is already set as the default.

Step 2: Write Your Prompt

The prompt we used is:

Create a knockout/masked text effect with the words 'SMARTER WITH AI' in bold, capital letters. Inside the text, showcase a cinematic scene of a futuristic city skyline at dusk with glowing neon lights, flying vehicles, and advanced technology. The scene should only be visible within the text, with a white background surrounding it. Ensure the image is 4K resolution and highly realistic, capturing a visually stunning, high-tech atmosphere.

Step 3: Result

Now press Enter to Generate.


Tweet of the Day

tw profile: Arnill Hasan Arnill Hasan @arnill_dev tw

Google is offering online courses with certification.

No payment is required!

Here are 6 FREE certified courses to become an expert 👇

[Bookmark For Later Use] 🧵


11:29 AM • Sep 17, 2024


428 Likes   101 Retweets  

41 Replies

Too Important to Miss


AI Resources

Generative AI vs. predictive AI: What’s the difference?

3 common barriers to AI adoption and how to overcome them.

How to use AI to analyze and summarize large documents, books and videos.


Unlock the Ultimate AI Library

Me and my team have spent 100s of hours using AI. Collected 1057+ useful Prompt Templates in 46 Categories, 50+ AI use cases, Tips, Tricks, Hacks, AI tools list, and more!!

Unlock Now


Today’s Meme

New O1 still fails miserably at trivial questions

Source: Reddit


Poll Result

Would you use Microsoft’s Copilot Agents to automate tasks?

Yes. 60.00%

Maybe. 40.00%

No. 00.00%

Reader’s Opinions


Real or AI?

Only 31.33% of you guessed it right!

It was a real image!

It was a difficult guess. 😁

Let us know by replying to this email. Next time, we’ll come up with another interesting one.

Reader’s Opinion



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Fwd: Kuochun, this 50K bonus mile offer can help take you places

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Fwd: Mastering the Art of Communication: How AI and Kaeka Are Revolutionizing Speech Training | Joel Fukuzawa

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Fwd: Beer lovers descend on Oktoberfest

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Fwd: [The Omniverse City] Roy, you unlocked the Omniverse City Achievement Omnifolk License Activation Award


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Congratulations Roy!

You unlocked the Omniverse City Achievement Omnifolk License Activation Award by completing the following steps:

  • Purchase Omnifolk [Alpha Access] 1 time

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Fwd: Oso’s Robot Servant and a New Bundle Join the 2024 Published Artist Sale


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Subtle styles for tender moments - check it out!
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From Above: Islands
From Above: Islands

Welcome to Beacons!

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Fwd: Notify Me helps you book hard-to-get tables


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What if Google/Amazon Builds It? - Annoying Questions From VC & How You Should Think. | VC Jobs

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Jeff Bezos' Heuristic for Hiring & Template to build VC Fund deck to raise Millions From LPs
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Jeff Bezos' Heuristic for Hiring & Template to build VC Fund deck to raise Millions From LPs

Sep 24

👋Hey Sahil here! Welcome to this bi-weekly venture curator newsletter. Each week, I tackle questions about building products, startups, growth, and venture capital! In today’s newsletter, we dive into -

  • Deep Dive: What if Google/Amazon Builds It? - Annoying Questions From VC & How You Should Think.

  • Quick Dive:

    • Your Product's Untapped Growth Opportunity Advice From Former VP Growth Instacart, Instagram.

    • Jeff Bezos' Heuristic for Hiring.

    • How do you build a VC fund deck to raise millions from LPs?

  • Venture Curator Hub: Get Access To Early-stage startup financial modelling Excel sheet, 10000+ verified investors' email contact database & more.

  • Major News: Qualcomm Wants to Buy Intel, Google CEO Sundar Pichai's $120 Million AI Fund, FedEx Firing 22,000 Employees & Former Apple Designer New AI Startup

  • Best Tweet Of This Week On Startups, VC & AI.

  • 20+ VC Jobs & Internships: From Scout to Partner.


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What if Google/Amazon Builds It? - Annoying Questions From VC & How You Should Think.

If you are fundraising or looking to fundraise for your startup, you will see such types of annoying questions from VC :). Not only this, you will find some other things like - I don’t think this can be a venture scale business, We’d be interested when we see a bit more traction, Come back when you have a lead etc… and most founders don’t know how to think on this questions and proceed with it.

So in this post, I will try to answer how you can think about above mentioned questions:

  1. What if Google Builds It?

You will find a lot of VCs asking this question where Google substitutes with Amazon or Facebook or any other big company.

It’s a valid question - this shows your startup edge and how will you win. Here are a couple of answers that may help:

  • Too big to care: These giants are so huge, your "little" idea might not even catch their eye. They're busy chasing bigger fish.

  • Slow movers: Big companies are like big ships - they turn slowly. You're a speedboat. You can zip around, change direction fast, and give customers exactly what they want before the big guys even start their engines.

  • Proof you're onto something: If a big company notices your idea, it means you've found a real problem to solve. That's exciting!

  • People will pay for better: Even if Google makes a free version, many folks will happily pay for a product that actually answers the phone when there's a problem. Just look at companies like Mixpanel or Superhuman - they're doing great against free Google stuff.

  • Show off your speed: Can you build things faster than the big company? Can you make your customers super happy? Focus on that. It's your secret weapon.

Remember, being small and quick can be your superpower. Use it to outmanoeuvre the giants!

  1. I don’t think this can be a venture-scale business

Previously I shared my thought process on how investors think about this particular question, let me know to share more info here

Not every business needs venture capital (VC) money. It's like rocket fuel - great if you want to go to the moon but overkill for a quick trip to the store. VCs are looking for companies that can grow incredibly fast and become huge. They want to turn their money into a fortune, and fast. We're talking about businesses that can make $100 million a year in just five years. That's a wild ride, and it's not for everyone.

But here's the funny thing: it's really hard to predict which ideas will explode like that. VCs often think they know, but they're wrong all the time. They might ignore a business selling stuff online, thinking it can't grow big enough. But what if it's the next big thing, like Stitch Fix?

So, if you're thinking about chasing VC money, ask yourself: Do I really want to build a massive company? Can I handle hiring tons of people and working like crazy? If that sounds exciting, great! Think about how you'll grow your business super fast. How will you double or triple your sales each year?

But if that sounds like too much, don't worry. There are other ways to get money for your business. You could talk to individual investors, try crowdfunding, or look into loans based on your revenue. These options are becoming more popular and might be a better fit for your dreams.

The most important thing is to be honest with yourself about what kind of business you want to build. There's no shame in staying small or growing slowly if that's what makes you happy. Just make sure you're chasing the right kind of money for your goals.

  1. We’d be interested when we see a bit more traction

When a VC tells you they want to see "more traction," it's like they're saying, "I'm not sure about your business, but maybe if you grow more, I'll change my mind." The problem is, most VCs can't really tell you exactly how much growth would convince them. If you suddenly made $100 million, sure, they'd all jump on board. But what if you grow to $100,000 a month in a year? Well... it depends. VCs like to keep their options open, so they'll always want to "check in later" unless you're clearly terrible or a scammer.

It's frustrating, right? But here's how to handle it: Don't waste time trying to convince these fence-sitters. Put them in your "not interested" pile. Keep sending them updates, sure, but focus on finding investors who believe in you right now. You're better off meeting tons of investors and quickly figuring out who's actually excited about your idea.

Remember, it's like dating. You don't want to spend months trying to convince someone to like you. You want to find someone who's into you from the start. So get out there, talk to lots of investors, and find the ones who get that spark in their eyes when you explain your business. Those are the folks you want on your team.

Don't get hung up on the maybes. Keep moving, keep pitching, and the right investors will show up. It's a numbers game, so play it smart and don't let the "show me more traction" crowd slow you down.

  1. Come back when you have a lead

When a VC says, "I'm in once you have a lead," they're basically saying, "I don't want to take the risk, but I don't want to miss out either." It's like they're waiting for someone else to give your idea a thumbs up before they jump in.

But here's the thing - "lead" can mean different things to different VCs. Some want to see most of your money raised. Others just want to know the deal terms. And some are looking for a big investor to take charge and join your board.

So, what do you do? First, get clear on what they mean by "lead." Don't be shy - ask them straight up.

If they just want to see most of the money raised, you've got options. You could bring together a bunch of smaller investors without a traditional lead. It's called a party round, and it's pretty common these days.

If they're just after the terms, you can set those yourself. Create your own deal on a simple agreement like a SAFE or convertible note.

But if they want a big-shot lead investor who'll take a board seat and run the show, that's a whole different ballgame.

The key is to not get hung up on these "maybe" investors. Keep moving, keep hustling. Build your round in whatever way works for you. Remember, there's more than one way to skin a cat - or in this case, raise some cash.

Don't let the "we need a lead" crowd slow you down. If your idea's good and you keep pushing, you'll find the right investors who believe in you from the start. That's who you want on your team anyway.

That’s it.

What are the annoying things that you feel VC ask/say to you? Feel free to share in a comment.


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1. Your Product's Untapped Growth Opportunity - The Adjacent User Theory By Bangaly Kaba (Former VP Growth @ Instacart, Instagram)

The Adjacent User is someone who is interested in your product but faces challenges in fully using it. It’s a methodology for driving growth by focusing on the users who are aware of a product and have tried using it but are not able to successfully become engaged users.

These users are on the periphery of a product's current user base and represent untapped potential for growth.

Many founders miss this thing, which leads to not capturing full market share…

Source: Andrew Chen

Why Focus on Adjacent Users?

Solving for the Adjacent User is critical for a few key reasons:

  1. It captures the true potential of a product's current market fit. There is often a gap between a product's current retention and its hypothetical maximum retention, which can be unlocked by enabling Adjacent Users to successfully experience the core value proposition

  2. The impact compounds over time. Enabling Adjacent Users to adopt a product not only changes the engagement of near-term cohorts but also flows through to create an impact for all future cohorts of users, affecting retention, acquisition, and monetization

  3. It provides a different way to focus product efforts. Most product teams know their existing users well, but the challenges that potential users face in adopting a product increase over time. Dedicating a team to understanding, advocating for, and building for the next set of users prevents growth from stalling.

Identifying Adjacent Users

Adjacent Users are those who are circling around the primary thresholds a user must cross to become an engaged, core user. At each threshold, there are users who have an equal or greater chance of not crossing over and drifting away

For example, on Instagram, the key thresholds are:

  • Not Signed Up → Signed Up

  • Signed Up → Activated

  • Casual → Core Usage

At each stage, there are users who struggle to progress, and solving their problems enables the product to capture more of that audience and grow

Challenges in Focusing on Adjacent Users

There are a few factors that often lead teams away from focusing on Adjacent Users:

  1. Focusing too much on power user personas leads to building for yourself or your friends rather than the next set of users

  2. Using personas as the wrong tool, as they tend to describe current users rather than forecasting who the next users will be

  3. Trying to hit a home run every time by going after bigger markets of new users, rather than fulfilling the potential of the current product-market fit

How to Focus on Adjacent Users

To start focusing on Adjacent Users:

  1. Get visibility into who they are and why they are struggling, by laying out multiple hypotheses, choosing which one to focus on strategically, and experimenting to validate and learn

  2. Understand who is successful today and why, to identify vectors of expansion

  3. Build empathy for the Adjacent User by experiencing the product in their conditions, watching them use the product, talking to them, and visiting their environments

By focusing on Adjacent Users, startups can unlock the true potential of their current product-market fit and drive sustainable growth over time. I would highly recommend checking this article by Andrew Chen.

2. Jeff Bezos' Heuristic for Hiring

Jeff Bezos says he hires people only if they pass 3 separate bars:

  1. Can the person do exceptional things?

  2. Does he admire them?

  3. Will the person raise the effectiveness of the team?

You can get answers to all three of these questions in a single, 30-minute interview if you ask the right questions.

I would highly recommend reading - Smart Management by Jochen Reb to learn more about it.

From book - Smart Management by Jochen Reb

3. How do you build a VC fund deck to raise millions from LPs?

Previously, I shared VC fund decks that raised $500 million from LPs. I received many queries about what the format should look like and what emerging fund managers should consider before building a VC fund deck. So, I'm sharing a few points that might be useful to emerging VC fund managers:

  • The purpose of your pitch deck is to convince LPs of your ability to make outlier investments: Your pitch deck should break down how you do this effectively.

  • Your pitch deck is the place to tell the most clear, concise, and convincing version of your fund’s story

  • “Showing” is better than telling. Use examples, numbers (e.g. past performance metrics), screenshot evidence of how you’ve helped, and other visuals to add credibility to your deck. These can be very memorable and help create a more objective narrative.

  • Let others speak to your strengths and establish social credibility. As with GPs investing in startups, many LPs value social proof, consciously or subconsciously. Highlight positive quotes from founders you’ve backed, testimonials from strong references, and LPs already committed to investing in your fund.

After considering these points, you can use the following template to create a VC Fund deck:

Also, if you are a solo GP, I would highly recommend checking the thread by Nichole Wischoff (Founder & GP of Wischoff Ventures) on what it takes to raise a VC fund round. Even check out the comments and replies on this thread.

Nichole Wischoff ( Founder & GP Wischoff ventures)

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  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced a $120 million Global AI Opportunity Fund. (More Here)

  • FedEx uses AI to deliver 'high-quality service' after firing 22,000 humans. (More Here)

  • Former Apple Designer Teams Up with OpenAI to Create Next-Gen AI Device. (More Here)

  • Qualcomm recently approached Intel about a potential acquisition, which would be significant given Intel's historical dominance in the chip industry with its x86 processor technology. (More Here)

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