This is not an #applevisionpro video. This is #mixedreality / #spatialcomputing on the #meta #quest3 headset. This short demo was created in under 5 minutes on the ENGAGE XR platform using our development tools. ENGAGE XR is the #wordpress of the #xr / #spatialcomputing world where clients build what they need for their own organizations and deploy them either privately or publicly. ENGAGE is extensively used in the enterprise and education space however we have also created concerts and marketing events for multiple clients in the past. If you are interested in trying out our tools for yourself just download ENGAGE for free by visiting www.engagevr.io or search for us on the #Meta / #HTC / #Pico / #Android / #SteamVR / or #iOS App store. We are working on the #applevisionpro version of ENGAGE and will share when ready. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to be connected to one of our team members in the US, EU or Aisa.
Great and really promising, if you would use this with multiple Quest 3 in the same room, could you share the virtual space within Engage so you would all see the flames at the stove between all people with an HMD in the room? Like synched pointcloud data between the hmd's ? A shared real/3d space, with matching pass through and with a reasonable delay could be a killer case...
Is this a 3D video? (rectangular? 180?). If it is, is it shot thru a camera on ENGAGE or is it shot through the headset using the DEV tools to capture in 3D what the HMD sees. If it is shot with a camera in ENGAGE, can you point to the ENGAGE documentation that shows how to create 3D video in ENGAGE? Also, what is the easiest way to move the 3D video from LinkedIn to Q2? Thx.
How do we handle the virtual fire causing someone to jump out of a real window?
And still no one is listening to the people getting migraines and headaches from these things? 😫
Impressive David Whelan #mixedreality demo on the Quest 3! While I wait for the #AppleVisionPro version, I'm eager to explore ENGAGE across app stores.
Oh, looks so nice!
That’s amazing footage.
Wow very cool!
Awesome! These XR tests are getting better and better!
CEO at ENGAGE XR Holdings Plc
7hJust noticed on the video it goes fuzzy when the fire is lit. This is an issue with LinkedIn video compression as this does not happen in the headset. I have noticed video compression artifacts on LinkedIn more and more in the past few weeks. I do hope they resolve it soon.