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How much does the handle https://X.com/X worth, if it's for sale?
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👑EmbedIsKing 👑KingMaker 😇 #Web3 #Inventor #NFTist 🥷 💎 #CreatorsHelpCreators #CHC 💎 🚚 We Move Web3 Contents 🛻
How much does the handle https://X.com/X worth, if it's for sale?
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This is not an #applevisionpro video. This is #mixedreality / #spatialcomputing on the #meta #quest3 headset. This short demo was created in under 5 minutes on the ENGAGE XR platform using our development tools. ENGAGE XR is the #wordpress of the #xr / #spatialcomputing world where clients build what they need for their own organizations and deploy them either privately or publicly. ENGAGE is extensively used in the enterprise and education space however we have also created concerts and marketing events for multiple clients in the past. If you are interested in trying out our tools for yourself just download ENGAGE for free by visiting www.engagevr.io or search for us on the #Meta / #HTC / #Pico / #Android / #SteamVR / or #iOS App store. We are working on the #applevisionpro version of ENGAGE and will share when ready. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to be connected to one of our team members in the US, EU or Aisa.
Just noticed on the video it goes fuzzy when the fire is lit. This is an issue with LinkedIn video compression as this does not happen in the headset. I have noticed video compression artifacts on LinkedIn more and more in the past few weeks. I do hope they resolve it soon.
Great and really promising, if you would use this with multiple Quest 3 in the same room, could you share the virtual space within Engage so you would all see the flames at the stove between all people with an HMD in the room? Like synched pointcloud data between the hmd's ? A shared real/3d space, with matching pass through and with a reasonable delay could be a killer case...
Is this a 3D video? (rectangular? 180?). If it is, is it shot thru a camera on ENGAGE or is it shot through the headset using the DEV tools to capture in 3D what the HMD sees. If it is shot with a camera in ENGAGE, can you point to the ENGAGE documentation that shows how to create 3D video in ENGAGE? Also, what is the easiest way to move the 3D video from LinkedIn to Q2? Thx.
How do we handle the virtual fire causing someone to jump out of a real window?
And still no one is listening to the people getting migraines and headaches from these things? 😫
Empowering Businesses: Next-Gen Industry Transformation through AR and No-Code Tools for Seamless Tech Product Development
7hImpressive David Whelan #mixedreality demo on the Quest 3! While I wait for the #AppleVisionPro version, I'm eager to explore ENGAGE across app stores.
Oh, looks so nice!
That’s amazing footage.
Wow very cool!
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This is a great course if you are based in the southeast of Ireland. It's how I got started. Reach out to Dr. Eugene Crehan with your business ideas and see how Enterprise Ireland can help you on the road to success.
Is now the right time for your start-up idea? Have you 2 evenings per week to investigate it's potential? Our next Enterprise Ireland's New Frontiers programme will be delivered online 2 evenings p.w. from February 27th to March 25th. For more information and to apply before February 23rd, see: www.setu.ie/newfrontierswd #innovation #startups #founders #funding South East Technological University Enterprise Ireland
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This woke me up. Hard trance tunes first thing in the morning will do that.
LinkedIn Top Voice (VR) | Metaverse, AR, VR & XR Expert | Global Keynote Speaker | 7400+ LinkedIn Newsletter Subscribers | 10Mn+ Content views on Social Media
EV in The Metaverse…By KIA Germany😎 Fantastisch! Incredible work by ENGAGE XR team - Abid Hussain, David Forristal Christopher Clements David Whelan - Truly a power-packed experience🔥 From the latest KIA EV9 to electric scooters, jet skis, and surfboards, all seamlessly integrated and managed through digital replicas. Users can explore a whole island by driving electric vehicles by KIA and if they run out - charge them up at power pods. Yes, to power additional vehicles just park the KIA EV9 next to a power terminal and plug in to provide power to your chosen alternative vehicle. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐈𝐀 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐄𝐕 𝐯𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭. Love it when XR companies take care of each detail while building product environments! Here’s how these environments can take a step further: ▶️The environment can enable real-time monitoring and simulation, optimizing energy usage across the fleet of electric vehicles on KIA Eco Island. ▶️ Virtual counterparts for each vehicle can streamline transitions between vehicles and charging stations, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency. ▶️ Leveraging vast amounts of data, it can empower informed decision-making, fostering sustainable practices and shaping the future of transportation. Hopped on to the KIA Island on VR and spent some leisure time on the beach…A Must recommended environment to explore. Link in comments! Till then enjoy the video. What do you think about this experience? #metaverse #digitaltwin #virtualevents #automobileindustry #marketinginnovation EV im Metaverse…Von KIA Deutschland😎 Fantastisch! Unglaubliche Arbeit des ENGAGE XR-Teams – Abid Hussain, David Forristal Christopher Clements David Whelan – Wirklich ein kraftvolles Erlebnis🔥 Vom neuesten KIA EV9 bis hin zu Elektrorollern, Jetskis und Surfbrettern, alles nahtlos integriert und über digitale Nachbildungen verwaltet. Benutzer können eine ganze Insel erkunden, indem sie Elektrofahrzeuge von KIA fahren, und wenn ihnen die Energie ausgeht, können sie sie an Power-Pods aufladen. Ja, um weitere Fahrzeuge mit Strom zu versorgen, parken Sie den KIA EV9 einfach neben einem Stromanschluss und schließen ihn an, um das von Ihnen gewählte alternative Fahrzeug mit Strom zu versorgen. Das ENGAGE-Team hat sich bei dieser Initiative mit KIA Deutschland zusammengetan, um Elektrofahrzeuge als zukünftige Energiequelle und nicht nur für den Transport zu präsentieren. Ich liebe es, wenn XR-Unternehmen beim Aufbau von Produktumgebungen auf jedes Detail achten!
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This is not #applevisionpro but #spatialcomputing #xr on the #meta #quest3 passthrough cameras using the ENGAGE XR platform. This is one of our clients Starmark duing an adhoc #mixedreality meeting. Great seeing our partners leveling up. The thing to note here is that avatars/ personas are not shown in small windows but are fully represented in your physical space as people when using ENGAGE. You can have up to 70 in the meeting with you at the same time on Quest hardware. They can also interact with virtual objects in the same room. I will post more on this later in the week. We are currently revamping our avatar system as we orginally designed our avatars to function on the Quest 1 and lower end mobile devices which would not have alot of horse power for rendering detail. Hardware has progressed massively since then so expect some big updates during Q3 this year as we implement additional tracking solutions. If you haven't spent almost $4k on the #visionpro yet and have a #metaquest3 , #vrx , #vive or #pico to hand why not download ENGAGE today for free at www.engageplc.com and try this out for yourself.
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This is the Kia Deutschland GmbH Digital Twin built and deployed on the ENGAGE XR #spatialcomputing / #metaverse / #vr platform. I know too many terms, I was happy with #xr myself :) I wanted to show that virtual locations or metaverse locations don’t need to look like blocky cartoons and can in fact be accurate representations of real physical locations. My team did an excellent job of bringing this place to life working closely with KIA Deutschland and JP who headed up the project. This location is used for #virtualevents primarily but can also be used for #remotetraining and as a great marketing tool. If your business is looking for a novel way to provide training and development why not get in touch with my team at www.engageplc.com If you want to access the Kia Digital Twin just login to ENGAGE and visit our persistent #virtualworld named ENGAGE Link. You will find this location listed in Enterprise Plaza. This location is available to view on #vr #xr #ar #spatialcomputing #android #vive #meta #vrx #pico #pc #windows #ios and #macos devices.
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ENGAGE XR is constantly being updating and today we would like to welcome you to EXPO Island. This unique #spatialcomputing / #metaverse / #virtualworld or what ever we are calling #digitallocations these days has 4 distinct areas for social gatherings, #virtualmeetings , #virtualpresentations and #virtualexhibitions. In fact, the Island is so large that we have included transportation to make it easier to get around. ENGAGE is used extensively for #onboarding, #traininganddevelopment, #events and utilized by hundreds of teachers globally in schools and universities. We currently support #meta, #vive, #pico, #lenovo, #vrx, #pc , #ios , #mac and #android devices. We will be supporting #applevisionpro shortly (Watch this Space) Visit us at www.engageplc.com to download for free
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Kia Eco Island is now available on ENGAGE where users can explore a whole island by driving electric vehicles such as the latest Kia EV9 or an assortment of electrically powered scooters, jet skis and surf boards. To power additional vehicles just park the Kia EV9 next to a power terminal and plug in to provide power to your chosen alternative vehicle. The ENGAGE XR team have partnered with Kia Europe / Germany on this initiative to showcase EV vehicles as a future power source and not just for transport. Using today’s immersive technologies to showcase EV applications in a fun and intuitive way for all ages. This experience is available via the ENGAGE platform by visiting ENGAGE Link the persistent virtual world located within. If you are looking for a #metaverse #digitaltwin #spatialcomputing #virtualevents platform why not get in touch with us at www.engageplc.com Eco Island is available on #meta #vive #lenovo #pico #android #apple store just search for Engage XR
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2dMillions.... If Elon turns X into another bank like he did with PayPal 🤑💰🤔